InAfro-CinemaphilebyJohnny SilvercloudWhat If Black Conservatives Felt Like Kings?A Stephen Candie character analysis through a political lensSep 28, 202210Sep 28, 202210
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudWhite Conservative’s Racial Gaze.A thought on this nagging feeling I get as a “black conservative”.Oct 14, 20207Oct 14, 20207
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudThe Four Strategies of CooningIdentification and analysis of the ways Black people pander to white supremacyJun 11, 202224Jun 11, 202224
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudWhy in The F*** Does Cooning Exist?An Examination of Black Self-Hate, Community Sabotage and Opportunity in a Culture of White SupremacyMay 25, 202022May 25, 202022
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudCandace Owens is Going to Fuck KanyeThis isn’t up for debate.Oct 21, 202214Oct 21, 202214
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudTelling People to Ignore Kanye is Stupid.Actively ignoring requires attention anywayOct 7, 202220Oct 7, 202220
InWriters and Editors of Color MagazinebyJohnny SilvercloudKanye’s Tucker Carlson Interview — Why It HappenedIt’s not for the reason you originally thoughtOct 14, 20223Oct 14, 20223
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudHerschel Walker: The Perfect Black ConservativeHow Rightwing Politics Animalize Black MenOct 19, 20229Oct 19, 20229
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudLet’s Talk About Kanye Gaslighting Black PeopleBecause collaborating with white supremacy while Black feels better than white people doing it.Oct 4, 202222Oct 4, 202222
InThe Antagonist MagazinebyJohnny SilvercloudYes, Black People Can Be RacistBecause anyone can support (or defend) white supremacyJan 26, 20227Jan 26, 20227
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudStacey Dash attempts “Full Sprint” towards the Black Community after Candace Owens took her JobAnd We as the Black Community cannot have this shit.Mar 17, 202136Mar 17, 202136
InThe Antagonist MagazinebyJohnny SilvercloudHow Long You Think They’ll Let You Stay?Because Black Lives in a White Fascist Movement have Expiration DatesSep 22, 20228Sep 22, 20228
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudWhat Exactly is a Conservative?Honest Question: What does it mean to be Conservative, if the principles of conservatism are not universally observed?Feb 17, 202221Feb 17, 202221
InThe Antagonist MagazinebyJohnny SilvercloudSometimes I Ponder the Minds of Non-Black POC Who Are White Supremacy-CompliantSometimes I WonderJun 6, 202217Jun 6, 202217
InAge of AwarenessbyJohnny SilvercloudThe White Anti-Racist’s Guide to Dealing With Black ConservativesY’all be Out of Pocket Sometimes (Playing Right into Theirs).Nov 23, 20203Nov 23, 20203
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudWhat Cypher Taught Me About Black ConservativesBecause ignorance, is bliss.May 6, 2016May 6, 2016