Ossiana TepfenhartJesus F’n Christ: Why White Women Keep Voting RepublicanBelieve it or not, this has a lot to do with what feminism is trying to fix.Nov 14, 202222Nov 14, 202222
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudA Small Lesson on Intent vs. ImpactA quick example of how intent doesn’t matterApr 27, 202211Apr 27, 202211
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudWhite People Go Through the 5 Stages of GriefWhen you inform them of their (or anyone’s) racism or white privilegeJul 20, 202220Jul 20, 202220
InPolitically SpeakingbyJohnny SilvercloudCan We Stop Acting Like Only Rural, Country Bumpkin Folk Are Conservatives?Cities have conservatives, tooJul 21, 20229Jul 21, 20229
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudWhite People: Stop Saying You “Have a Black Friend”Your Ebony Shield will not protect you from your own stupidity.Sep 7, 20204Sep 7, 20204
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny Silvercloud“The Black Lives Matter Leader is a Trained Marxist!”A Quick look at a Very Absurd Argument Racists MakeDec 19, 202025Dec 19, 202025
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny Silvercloud“The Protesters aren’t Peaceful, Therefore are Invalid.”A look at a popular white supremacist bullshit framing of Civil Rights Protest.Dec 22, 20208Dec 22, 20208
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudBeware of Pathological Forgiveness within the Black CommunityTell our friends and family members to shut the f*** up on forgiving white supremacy terrorismMay 18, 202218May 18, 202218
Emily Sinclair MontagueOkay, It’s A Person: I Still Have The Right To Get An AbortionThis is an open letter to all those who argue the personhood of the American fetus. You win! I’ll go ahead and pretend to believe…Jun 8, 202234Jun 8, 202234
The Wicked Orchard by Sidra OwensAn Inconvenient Perspective on the White Slaver Owners that Founded the United States.A commenter says they should be applauded. I disagree.Jun 10, 202212Jun 10, 202212
InAge of AwarenessbyBrian M. Williams, JDI Teach Critical Thinking But Some Would Accuse Me of IndoctrinationI can understand why but the truth is, it’s easy to prove I’m notMay 16, 202253May 16, 202253