InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudBeware of Pathological Forgiveness within the Black CommunityTell our friends and family members to shut the f*** up on forgiving white supremacy terrorismMay 18, 202218May 18, 202218
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudSix Freedoms Black People Do Not Have Under a White SupremacyThe Six Freedoms Kept From Black Folk’s GraspMay 9, 202042May 9, 202042
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudIt’s Time to Talk about Freedom of Space (And Why Black People Don’t Have It).White people’s false entitlement to Black spaces comes from two historical artifacts: European Colonialism, and American Slavery.May 15, 20203May 15, 20203
InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudBlack People Don’t Have Freedom of Emotion (Anger) in America. Why?A look at one of the Freedoms Black People Do not Have.Dec 28, 20206Dec 28, 20206
InMomentumbyJohnny SilvercloudIn America, Black People Are Not Expected to Protect OurselvesBlack self-defense is yet another freedom Black people must fight for. This means guns.Jun 14, 202122Jun 14, 202122